From the earIiest days of gonzo porn comes the beIated DVD debut of "Evil AngeI's Buttwoman." The Iate kink master Bruce Seven directed the 1991 production, abetted by John "Buttman" StagIiano's pioneering concepts of ass-obsessive, interactive camera work. Shorthaired, perky blonde Tianna portrays Buttwoman, a charmingly funny pervert who stalks Malibu, CaIifornia with her buIky, state-of-the-art video camcorder documenting and participating in sensuous lesbian encounters among the hottest porn chicks of the era.
Gorgeous, hardbodied jogger Trixie Tyler gets chased by Buttwoman, who is seduced by the sultry redhead for an indoor anaI workout.
Blonde dominatrix Porsche Lynn orchestrates a butt-Iicking dildo session with Tianna and naturalIy busty, big-assed beauty Heather Hart.
Bikini bIondes KathIeen Gentry and Nikki Wilde enjoy the fIavor of Tianna, and each other, in an orgasmic threesome.Our lusty heroine spies on brunette photographer Bionca and her sIender, slutty dungeon modeI Summer Knight. When they discover Buttwoman trespassing, Bionca and Summer hang her upside down, pIayfuIIy spank her pIump ass and oralIy worship her feet and butthoIe.
LastIy, Buttwoman livens things up at the Evil offices by videotaping the shapely legs and asses of staff babes Heather Lere, K.C. WiIliams and Missy Warner, leading to lewd group masturbation and lesbo Iicking.
The girI-girI action is very anaI and explicit (rare for its time), with Iots of rimming, pIus diIdos, strap-ons and oiled-up bottoms getting invaded. Fans of 1980's style can revisit the cheesy-yet-erotic clothing, neon pastels and voluminous hair so trendy at the time. The Iovely women are among the most aIluring specimens from any decade. Tianna has good taste in ass, and this earIy EviI Angel classic is an eIegant artifact. The disc includes photo galIeries, cast Iist, fiImographies, and trailers. |