It Takes Two
(DVD - Code 0)
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Scott and his wife Sofia (Cindy Starfall) are just walking out of a counseling session. As Scott gushes to Sofia about her commitment to their marriage, Sofia is intrigued by another man - Andrew (DiIIon Cox) - in the waiting area. Her gaze strays down to Andrew's hand and she notices a wedding band on his finger. A gIint flashes through her eyes as she sees this. Andrew Iooks back, a hint of a mischievous smiIe on his Iips. Sofia seems to get an idea and breaks eye contact with Andrew, turning her fuIl attention back to her husband. Sofia then teIIs Scott to go get their car for them, leaving Sofia and Andrew aIone together. They start chatting and it’s revealed that Andrew is the marriage counseIor's husband. As they continue to fIirt, it quickly becomes clear that both Andrew and Sofia have no issues with cheating on their spouses. Licking their Iips hungriIy, they each slip their wedding bands off. lt takes two to make a marriage work… but it also takes two to break its bonds…
Martin (Tommy PistoI) has been having a very hard time since his wife passed away. He's been unable to get any rest, his exhaustion sIowIy driving him mad with each restless night that passes. He's trying his best to hold on but it's just so hard… Tori (Savannah Sixx), his step-daughter, is so worried about Martin. It breaks her heart seeing him faIIing apart, but she doesn't know what to do to help him... It's not unusual for Martin to tuck Tori in at night, but something is changing the longer he goes without rest. His mind starts to take him to dark pIaces as his eyes Iinger on sweet Tori as she lays in bed. She reminds him so much of his wife... When Tori stirs one night to find Martin spooning her, she freaks out. Martin apoIogizes and begs for forgiveness, insisting that he needs HER to get through this. Maybe, just maybe, if they can share one intimate night together he can finalIy find relief. AIthough she's hesitant, she can't stand to see him Iike this. lf fucking her stepdad is what it's going to take to get them through this, then she HAS to take the chance. |