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  • Sybil Woolmore
  • The Way I See It 

    Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 2 Artikel!


    Auf mobile öffnen
    Lieferstatus:   i.d.R. innert 5-10 Tagen versandfertig
    Veröffentlichung:  Februar 2024  
    Genre:  Romane, Erzählungen, Gedichte 
    ISBN:  9781035843787 
    Verlag:  Austin Macauley 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Dimensionen:  H 203 mm / B 127 mm / D 8 mm 
    Gewicht:  159 gr 
    Seiten:  140 
    Zus. Info:  Paperback 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    The inspiration for writing poetry came from Sybil's fathers' story, which he wrote after her mother passed. Having left home at 13 she knew very little about her parents and initially was so enthralled with his story that she believed it would make a great book, but as she started to write found that writing in verse flowed much easier. Her siblings were also grateful for the writing of this first poem as they also had no idea of the early part of their fathers' life. From there she found everyday life and happenings around her gave her material to continue writing. Now retired and not having a mind cluttered with work, it never ceases to amaze her how these stories come to her and just must be written, often waking in the night, mulling over new poems, and having to quickly write lines down before trying to get back to sleep again. The local pastor has also tapped into this gift and she is often asked to write a poem to go with a Sunday sermon.

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