Saul was anointed as king of Israel as a result of desires of people. The people
desired to have a king to rule over them, so they asked God for a king like all the
other nations. The people desire for a king was birthed through insecurity that
was developed from past leadership. Eli allowing his corrupt sons to operate as
priest in the temple of God. Eli poor leadership and improper chastisement of
his son brought about bondage and insecure feelings for the people of God.
This led to Saul being anointed by Samuel with a vial of oil which was not the
traditional way to anoint a man of God. The word vial is used on eight different
occasions in the bible and the word carries destruction with it in the book of
Revelations. Saul was empowered because of man and not because of God. This
book will challenge you to know the will of God for your life so you will not
be placed by man but by God. When you are placed outside of where the Lord
has anointed you to be you will not be able to operate at your fullest potential.