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  • S. A.
  • Sworn Enemies 

    Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 2 Artikel!


    Auf mobile öffnen
    Lieferstatus:   i.d.R. innert 5-10 Tagen versandfertig
    Veröffentlichung:  Mai 2011  
    Genre:  Romane, Erzählungen, Gedichte 
    ISBN:  9781456773373 
    Verlag:  Authorhouse UK 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Dimensionen:  H 203 mm / B 127 mm / D 17 mm 
    Gewicht:  349 gr 
    Seiten:  288 
    Zus. Info:  Paperback 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    Three dynamic passionate women from different cultures come together as sworn enemies. They experience passion, hate and loss in this epic rollercoaster novel. Loraine. A strong individual who is let down by her mother and her boyfriends. She locks her doors at night to stay safe from a mother who is all ways in a drunken daze and lets her boyfriends do anything they want with her. In a desperate attempt to stay safe she becomes friends with a group who won't let her move on to make new friends, she is unable to untangle herself from the friends she has made and suffers dire consequences. Samreen. A gust of wind would blow her away but she is as solid as rock. She falls in love passionately with a British white man Adam 'O' Hara but is not able to voice her feelings because of her strict upbringing. Her deep loyalty makes it hard to break away from her family who have forced her into a marriage she doesn't want. Her trust is shattered when she learns she really doesn't know the family she has been loyal to as they betray her in the worst possible way. Maureen. A strong willed woman who doesn't suffer fools easily. She speaks her mind and leaves nothing to the imagination. Her world is shaken by the arrival of her father and a forceful attraction in the name of Curtis, he rocks her world on more ways than one, and she tries to fight him and doesn't succeed. These three dynamic personalities are entangled in a web of deceit, treachery, hate and destruction, will they ever be whole again. The novel delves into the passionate and cruel nature of human psyche in the preeminent and most evil way.

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