South Asian Diaspora Narratives: Roots and Routes
(Buch) |
Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 2 Artikel!
Inhalt: |
This book analyses the metaphysical and poetical notions and the processes of ¿rooting into a culture¿ and ¿routing out of a culture¿ in the context of South Asian diaspora in Australia. These diasporic narratives are often characterised by bifurcated and dislocated identities that exist in a liminal space, in-between two identities, two cultures, and two histories. Yet, ¿home¿ remains, through acts of imagination, remembering and re-creation, an important reference point. The author argues that a clearer notion of politics of location is required to distinguish between the different kinds of ¿dislocation¿ the immigrants suffer, both psychologically and sociologically. The diaspora is Australia is an under-studied topic, and this book fills a lacuna in South Asian diaspora studies by analysing and calling upon a wide range of works in this field from historical, anthropological, sociological, cultural, and literary studies. |