Safe Place: Guidelines for Creating an Abuse-Free Environment is designed to assist leaders of local church and ministry organizations in creating policies and procedures for safe people to minister in safe places through safe programs. A senior pastor, family pastor, children's pastor and church board will want to use this book as an excellent resource. This manual does not give legal counsel or advice; however, it is imperative that local church leaders do everything possible to provide a safe and secure ministry environment for both students and volunteers. Includes sample forms and reproducible worksheets and leader's guides.
The issue of physical and sexual abuse seems completely out of context for the church setting and ministry environment. Sadly, however, the church has not been exempt from such concerns. In fact, the abuse issue has become a major concern in our society- one that church leaders must not ignore. By creating and following these policies, the church will be able to relax as it pursues its God-given mission of making healthy disciples of children, youth, and adults. The primary purpose of Safe Place is to safeguard both students and leaders in the church setting.