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  • Stephen R. Bird
  • Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health 

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    Auf mobile öffnen
    Lieferstatus:   Auf Bestellung (Lieferzeit unbekannt)
    Veröffentlichung:  Januar 2019  
    Genre:  Ratgeber 
    ISBN:  9781138067684 
    Verlag:  Taylor & Francis Ltd 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Dimensionen:  H 169 mm / B 239 mm / D 19 mm 
    Gewicht:  652 gr 
    Seiten:  348 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    Physical activity is vital for good health. It has an established strong evidence base for its positive effects on functional capacity, reducing the risk of many chronic diseases, and promoting physical, mental and social well-being. Furthermore, these benefits are evident across a diversity of ages, groups and populations. The need for these benefits in current societies means that exercise practitioners, professional bodies, institutions, health authorities and governments require high quality evidence to establish appropriate exercise guidelines, implementation strategies and effective exercise prescription at individual, group and population levels. Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health is the first book to comprehensively present the issues associated with physical activity and health research and outline methods available along with considerations of the issues associated with these methods and working with particular groups.

    The book outlines the historical and scientific context of physical activity and health research before working through the full research process, from generating literature reviews and devising a research proposal, through selecting a research methodology and quantifying physical activity and outcome measures, to disseminating findings. Including a full section on conducting research studies with special populations, the book includes chapters on:

    • Observational and cross-sectional studies;
    • Interviews, questionnaires and focus groups;
    • Qualitative and quantitative research methods;
    • Epidemiological research methods;
    • Physical activity interventions and sedentary behaviour; and
    • Working with children, older people, indigenous groups, LGBTI groups, and those with physical and mental health issues.

    Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health is the only book to approach the full range of physical activity research methods from a health perspective. It is essential reading for any undergraduate student conducting a research project or taking applied research modules in physical activity and health, graduate students of epidemiology, public health, exercise psychology or exercise physiology with a physical activity and health focus, or practicing researchers in the area.

     Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health - (Buch)
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