Life: Living in Fictional Existence Escaping the Illusory Life
(Buch) |
Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 2 Artikel!
Lieferstatus: |
i.d.R. innert 7-14 Tagen versandfertig |
Veröffentlichung: |
Juni 2010
Genre: |
Religion |
9781452019147 |
9781452019147 |
Verlag: |
Authorhouse |
Einband: |
Kartoniert |
Sprache: |
Dimensionen: |
H 229 mm / B 152 mm / D 8 mm |
Gewicht: |
226 gr |
Seiten: |
148 |
Zus. Info: |
Paperback |
Bewertung: |
Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
Inhalt: |
You haven't started life; you only believe you have because that's all you know! Things you've come to embrace are the very things keeping you sick, worried, confused, and defeated. Have you wondered why things are the way they are? Ever asked why do I feel up one day, down the next? Life is not the roller coaster you've allowed it to be. You are the operator at the amusement park, learn to apply the brakes to the rides and move toward your destiny. Paying a toll as you go through life is not reality, as you've experienced for years. Take the wheel then shift to cruise control. The toll booths are there to slow you down, so you're going to have to simply push ahead. Embrace wisdom, understanding, and new direction. Finding true life begins now. You're about to escape from living in fictional existence. |