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Artikel-Nr. 19828254

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  • Xiu-Tian Yan
  • Benoit Eynard
  • William J. Ion
  • Global Design to Gain a Competitive Edge: An Holistic and Collaborative Design Approach based on Computational Tools 

    Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 3 Artikel!


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    Lieferstatus:   Auf Bestellung (Lieferzeit unbekannt)
    Veröffentlichung:  August 2016  
    Genre:  Naturwissensch., Medizin, Technik 
    Automatic control engineering / C / Computer-Aided Design (CAD) / Computer-aided engineering / Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design / Control engineering / Control, Robotics, Automation / Control, Robotics, Mechatronics / Electronic devices & materials / engineering / Engineering Design / Machines, Tools, Processes / Manufactures / Manufacturing, Machines, Tools, Processes / Materials science / Materials Science, general / Mechatronics / Robotics / Technical design
    ISBN:  9781447168669 
    Verlag:  Springer Nature EN 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Dimensionen:  H 235 mm / B 155 mm / D  
    Gewicht:  1371 gr 
    Seiten:  888 
    Illustration:  XIX, 888 p. 
    Zus. Info:  Previously published in hardcover 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    Recent rapid globalisation of manufacturing industries leads to a drive and thirst for rapid advancements in technological development and expertise in the fields of advanced design and manufacturing, especially at their interfaces. This development results in many economical benefits to and improvement of quality of life for many people all over the world. Technically speaking, this rapid development also create many opportunities and challenges for both industrialists and academics, as the design requirements and constraints have completely changed in this global design and manufacture environment. Consequently the way to design, manufacture and realise products have changed as well. The days of designing for a local market and using local suppliers in manufacturing have gone, if enterprises aim to maintain their competitiveness and global expansion leading to further success. In this global context and scenario, both industry and the academia have an urgent need to equip themselves with the latest knowledge, technology and methods developed for engineering design and manufacture. To address this shift in engineering design and manufacture, supported by the European Commission under the Asia Link Programme with a project title FASTAHEAD (A Framework Approach to Strengthening Asian Higher Education in Advanced Design and Manufacture), three key project partners, namely the University of Strathclyde of the United Kingdom, Northwestern Polytechncial University of China, and the Troyes University of Technology of France organised a third international conference.
     Global Design to Gain a Competitive Edge: An Holis - (Buch)
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