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  • David Killick
  • Developing Intercultural Practice: Academic Development in a Multicultural and Globalizing World 

    Dieser Artikel gilt, aufgrund seiner Grösse, beim Versand als 2 Artikel!


    Auf mobile öffnen
    Lieferstatus:   i.d.R. innert 14-24 Tagen versandfertig
    Veröffentlichung:  August 2017  
    Genre:  Psychologie / Pädagogik 
    ISBN:  9781138289895 
    Verlag:  Taylor & Francis 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Serie:  SEDA Series  
    Dimensionen:  H 233 mm / B 157 mm / D 17 mm 
    Gewicht:  387 gr 
    Seiten:  234 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    Intercultural higher education has the potential to enable diverse students in diverse contexts to lead lives they have reason to value in a multicultural and globalizing world.

    The internationalization of higher education has become a significant site of change, driven by, and contributing to, globalization. So much so that global higher education has the potential to increase collaboration or conflict across the borders of human diversity. As educators seek to better understand and develop the ways in which our universities provide appropriate learning, Developing Intercultural Practice brings perspectives from international education communities together to provide clear guidance on the effective enhancement of these dimensions of academic practice.

    Exploring the emergence of the post-national university and situating academic development as critical practice, Developing Intercultural Practice considers how globally distributed, multicultural students and faculty, at home, overseas, and online, can develop reciprocal and collaborative learning. Chapters cover areas such as:

    • Internationalization, intercultural, and equitable practice
    • Academic development and internationalization
    • Deficit modelling and the value of diversity
    • Norms and rituals of academic cultures
    • Modelling intercultural academic development

    Developing Intercultural Practice is essential reading for faculty developers, leaders in learning and teaching, and all academics concerned to ensure their practice is relevant to their students and the worlds into which they will graduate.

     Developing Intercultural Practice: Academic Develo - (Buch)
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