This book 'Beyond The Silver Linings' is in Self Help Motivational category. Basically this is a very thought provoking book on Life Management. The book has impressive arguments and persuasions' to the people around for establishment of global peace and promotion of mutual brotherhood and feel of fraternity on this earth irrespective of religion or caste. All religions on this earth expressly advocate for mutual respect of religious belief, human welfare and happiness to all. World citizenship is one of the ideas which could explore possibilities of sustainable global peace initiatives. Protection of environment issue must be on top priority world institutions to save our Mother Earth and survival of the mankind. We are witness to worst ever loss of human life due to Covid-19 pandemics owing to natural ecological imbalances caused by human agencies.
In this book the author has identified situations in day to day life of individuals who are suffering from worries and struggling under very adverse situations. Positive orientation of the mindset is key of individual happiness. Human mind is most powerful to make you strong from within and win over to your worries to ensure sure life success and life goals. Never allow negative thoughts to creep in your mind. It defeats your endeavors for happiness, life full with joy and peace of mind. Manage your life. Be the achiever. Be the winner.