Reviews of the hardback edition:
'The authors write cleanly, and their prose is highly readable. They have brought to their task valuable classroom experience over many decades. For such reasons, and because the book presents a succinct, easily understood overview, it will appeal to many readers.' - Ethnic and Racial Studies
'Solidly researches and lucidly written [this] book makes for compelling, if painful, reading.' - Los Angeles Times
'[A] tour de force [that] follows upon the late Edward H. Flannery's groundbreaking classic, The Anguish of the Jews.' - Journal of Ecumenical Studies
'Commendably, the authors, using reader-friendly language composed in captivating imagery, bring home the point that realization of anti-semitism and its vision of apocalypse is ever present and therefore necessitates constant vigil. A wonderful read on a poignant topic. Highly recommended.' - Zev Garber, author of Shoah
'Perry and Schweitzer navigate the history of anti-semitism with a firm hand, utilizing the latest scholarship and confronting controversial issues without fear.' - Library Journal
'A richly textured, thorough, well-written and indispensable addition to the literature, one that anyone interested in the topic and related racist phenomena should not miss.' - John Weiss, author of Ideology of Death: Why the Holocaust Happened in Germany
'...this is a decent and sober beginning to this regrettable history ofhate...Recommended.' - S.D. Benin, Choice
' invaluable guide through the torturous maze of myth and lies propagated by antisemites throughout the ages.' - Anna Dogole, The Jewish Eye
'...deserves a place on your bookshelf...' - Gerard Meister, Pencil Stubs Online (
'...a remarkably timely and useful account of the history of antisemitism...In spite of the thousands of books...on anti-semitism, it is often difficult to find a book suitable for students that describes lucidly and competently anti-semitic delusions and myths as both a logical absurdity and also a force that has shaped much of the history of the last two thousand years. This book qualifies in these respects unlike any book I have ever seen. I am confident that others will find it similarly useful.' - Derek H. Davis, Journal of Church and State