An Integrated Approach to Nutrition and Exercise
(Buch) |
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Inhalt: |
Nutrition is a fundamental biochemical and physiological process intrinsic to all living organisms. Essential nutrients present in food are vital for humans to support good health and life. In the absence of the right nutrition, humans become susceptible to diseases such as anemia, blindness, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and even preterm birth and stillbirth. Nutrition must be supported by regular and targeted exercise for fitness and overall health. These physical activities may be targeted to specific outcomes, such as muscle development, prevention of aging, weight loss, or slowing of aging. This book studies, analyses and upholds the pillars of nutrition and exercise and their utmost significance in modern times. Most of the topics introduced herein cover modern perspectives on diet, nutrition, and physical fitness. This book is a complete source of knowledge on the present status of these domains. |