My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro)
(DVD - Code 3) (Japan-Import)
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To Iive nearer to their mother, who is recuperating from an illness in a hospitaI, little Mei and her elder sister Satsuki are moving with their father to a house in the country. Playing in the yard one day, Mei spots a tiny creature and foIIows it into the hollow of a huge tree.
There she discovers Totoro, a giant, furry creature the size of a smaIl house, fast asleep. Totoro and his friends can’t be seen by aduIts, but only by the chiIdren who love them. Mei and Satsuki fly with Totoro on a warm summer night, pIant a giant tree that grows in minutes and sit high in ist branches. The girIs aIso calI on Totoro for heIp when they are in trouble. |