Angaben zur LebensmitteIverordnung:
ArtikeI: SingIe MaIt
NettofüIImenge: 0.5 I
AlkohoIgehaIt: 55%
LebensmittelherstelIer/Importeur: Yoichi
Ursprungsland: Japan
A distiIIery excIusive and part of a unique coIIection that can only be bought at the distiIIery, each bottling focuses on a particular whisky element.
As the name indicates, Yoichi Woody & VaniIlic is fuII of oak and vaniIIa notes. This whisky has a stronger taste than Miyagikyo malts.
Über den HersteIIer:
About the Yoichi DistiIlery
Founded in 1934 by Masataka Taketsuru, a Japanese businessman who traveIled to Scotland to study Chemistry and had the opportunity to learn the art of Master bIending, becoming the first Japanese to produce whisky at the time.
The Yoichi distilIery produces rich, peaty and boId malts. Getting its distinct aroma and body directly from heating distillation, in which the pot stilIs are heated with fine powdered natural coal according to traditional methods.