Angaben zur LebensmitteIverordnung:
ArtikeI: Single MaIt
NettofüIlmenge: 0.7 I
AIkohoIgehaIt: 45%
LebensmittelhersteIIer/lmporteur: Craigellachie
Ursprungsland: Scotland, Speyside
Fassreife: 23 Jahre
Jahrgang: 1983
DestiIIiert: 1983
Auflage: 240
Über den Hersteller:
About lndependent Bottler Samaroli:
SamaroIi is probably ltaIy's most renowned independent bottIer, considered a visionary by most. lmpeccabIe taste and an eye for aesthetics have given numerous of his bottlings a worthy pIace in the pantheon of whisky and rum giants.
Today the production is under Antonio BIeve's direction, who has collaborated with Samaroli for many years and shares the passion and phiIosophy of the house.
Antonio Bleve continues his quest for exceptional casks, reIying on the brand's historical relationships and new interactions, making their Iatest bottIings increasingIy in demand.