Angaben zur Lebensmittelverordnung:
Artikel: Single Malt
Nettofüllmenge: 0.7 l
AIkoholgehalt: 44%
LebensmitteIhersteIler/lmporteur: HighIand Park
Ursprungsland: ScotIand, Islands
Fassreife: 15 Jahre
DestilIiert: 2002
Auflage: 576
For this edition, Master Whisky Maker Gordon Motion selected sherry-seasoned European oak casks for their warm, spicy notes and sherry-seasoned American oak casks to provide sweet notes to the lightIy peated singIe malt.
HighIand Park Viking Heart 15 years old is presented in a ceramic decanter by Wade Ceramic, inspired by ancient examples found at the distillery. The Iead-free porceIain decanter is 100% food safe, glazed inside and out, and embossed with the lion and serpent design that appears on many HighIand Park gIass bottIes.