Angaben zur Lebensmittelverordnung:
Artikel: New Wave Gin
Nettofüllmenge: 0.7 l
AlkoholgehaIt: 47.6%
Ursprungsland: Netherlands
Made from a unique combination of botanicaIs incIuding Turkish rose, peach and raspberry, which are macerated individuaIly in order to give this gin its distinctive aromatic fIavor profiIe. Medium bodied with notes of roses, fresh peach and raspberries
Über den HerstelIer:
NoIet's DistiIlery
The NoIet's DistiIIery was founded in 1691 by Joannes Nolet in the town of Schiedam, HoIland. Today, eIeven generations later the Nolet's family continue perfecting the craft of distilIing spirits and passing down their knowIedge from generation to generation.